06 August 2008

Arm Balance at Yoga Life

Saturday, August 30, 2008
11am - 2pm

Advanced Arm Balance Workshop

Join Sati and Sara for a fun and challenging exploration of advanced arm balance asanas. The workshop will open with an invocation and mantra recitation to invoke strength and to focus the mind and heart. We will begin our practice with a short warm-up and an overview of the basic arm balance, Bakasana (crane pose) and then move onto the more challenging, Parsva Bakasana, Astavakrasana, Dragon Fly, Bhujapidasna, Tittibhasana, Eka-Pada Koundinyasana A & B, and Vishvamitrasana. If time allows we may cover Galavasana and Eka-Pada Bakasana.

Fee: 35.00

Register online here.