15 April 2007

News on My Teaching Schedule, and Praise

This has been an amazing week. I have had the chance to practice and teach at three studios and meet inspiring teachers and business owners.

First, and perhaps the biggest news for me personally, is the news that I have added a new class to my teaching schedule. I will be teaching yogilates every Thursday evening from 7-8:15pm at Yoga Life in Deerwood. This is a very high-energy class and it's relatively new to my repertoire as far as teaching goes, though I have practiced this style personally many times. I was sweating buckets the first night! The routine works you from head to toe, inside and out. Very rewarding. I am loving the change of pace and getting the opportunity to work with a new set of students. A huge thank you to owner Sara Torbett for allowing me this time slot. Please drop in for a class and check it out!

On Friday I dropped into Yoga Ananda for the Happy Hour class with Melissa Johnson. A very fun and creative flow. I have to admit that my tear ducts are hypersensitive, but Melissa read a great passage during savasana about loving your enemy as your brother that resulted in a few drops falling. It speaks a lot to a teacher's ability when she is able to guide you into that state of receptivity and then deliver some powerful words to contemplate. It made me think about enemies on a grander scale, and what is going on in the world. To paraphrase, consider the idea that we should look upon our enemies simply as our friends that are gravely misunderstood. Offering compassion to those we are most angry with. Thank you, Melissa, for reminding me!

Finally on Saturday I attended a morning class and an afternoon beginner's workshop at the invitation of Mark White, owner of MBody Yoga . If you are a fan of Baron Baptiste and you haven't already been to one of Mark's classes, the time is now! Mark has nailed down this particular teaching style and manages to keep the lightness required in yoga while still offering a very challenging sequence. It was the perfect balance in my view. I also learned some very useful info on alignment and adjusting during the workshop. There were 4 men in the workshop! I love seeing the males interested in yoga...I really feel like it is going to snowball the more guys that discover yoga. There are some great upcoming events at the studio beginning April 27, such as a teacher's assisting weekend with a master Baptiste instructor, and the always popular DJ power Saturday night extravaganza. Click through to MBody to find out more!