17 October 2007

Master Ashtanga Instructor Tim Feldman to Visit Jax

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Check out Sati with her feet behind her head!

Information retrieved from the Yoga Life website:

This weekend will include Tim's masterful technniques in hands-on adjustments. His methods give students the kinesthetic road map to understanding where the body needs to go in even the most challenging asanas ie. Supta Kurmasana, Janu Sirsasana B, Marichyasana D. In his own words, "The assists we all remember are the ones that spoke to us precisely where we were at in a given moment and gave us the gift of overcoming the next step we needed at that time in our practice."

In these two adjustment master classes, Tim offers you the framework for this style of teaching. Listening is the first step. Tim will teach you how to stop and listen to your student's body and in the simplest way, connect deeply with the human being in front of you. You will begin to share one aim-a positive human transformation of your student's practice and general well being. If you are seeking to develop strong, effective adjustment techniques that will give you the opportunity to connect and transform your students' practice: This is the workshop for You!!

Tim Feldmann is co-founder of the Miami Life Center, along with his partner Kino Macgregor. He is directly Authorized to teach by his teacher, the founder of the Ashtanga Yoga Method, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and his grandson, Sharat Rangaswami. Tim was set on the yoga path by his root teacher Lino Miele. A third series practitioner, Tim is dedicated to Ashtanga Yoga's traditional style. Tim's teaching integrates his extensive study of Alexander Technique and sitting meditation with 20 years of experience as a professional dancer and an internationally acclaimed choreographer. His in-depth knowledge of functional anatomy, alignment as well as the idiosyncratic body and mind in stillness and in motion creates the platform upon which his solid understanding of the Ashtanga Method rests. Tim is a cherished teacher giving workshops throughout Europe, India and the Americas.

Workshop Schedule:
Saturday 9:30-11:30AM Led Primary Series with Tim Feldmann
1-4pm Adjustment Workshop for First Half of Primary Series Poses.
Sunday 9:30-11:30AM Mysore Practice-Primary Series *Practice Sheets will be Available to peruse as needed.
1-4PM: Adjustment workshop 2nd Half of Primary Series Poses
4-5:00PM Both Days: Private Instruction by Tim Feldman for Yoga Life Teacher Training Students

Workshop Fees: Full Weekend: $175.00 Early Bird Discount: $160.00 until Nov. 1st.
Individual Sessions: Sat. Led Primary: $40.00
Sat. and Sun. Afternoon Sessions: $50.00 Each
Sun. Mysore: $30.00.

Click here to register, at least 2 weeks prior to this event, in order to attend.

Thanks to Sara for relaying the info!