16 October 2007

Location, Location, Location

Those of you who came to Slow Flow last week were sure to realize that space was tooooo small! Rest assured I have corrected this situation, and found a much larger practice room for class. However it is not available until next week, and as such we will not be having class this Wednesday, October 17. Please join us when class resumes next Wednesday, October 24.

Former Yoga Fusion students, just a reminder that you are free to use your remaining classes to attend. Please contact me at littlebirdyoga@gmail.com to make arrangements if you have not done so already.

Our new location is within Positively Fit at 4040 Woodcock Avenue. This is in building 2200 of the Midtown Center, which occupies the Northwest quadrant of the intersection of Beach Boulevard and Art Museum Road. You can access Midtown Center from either of those roads. Make your way to the third floor. See you then!