04 January 2008

Happy New Year

And although I feel time is this flowing entity that we can not contain, nor even try to divide up into these things we call days, weeks, months, years...but our minds need these symbolic events, such as the turn of a new year. And the sense of hope and the belief of a clean slate.

However since finding yoga, I am impressed with an awareness that each passing second is the same opportunity. And not getting hung up on just one chance, every January 1, to make things "better" or "right" in my life. That chance is there always. So at the very least, I find solice in that and keep on breathing. Yet I make those resolutions every year anyway!

Starting with being on schedule with the Week in Yoga.....

5 Sat:

Karma Yoga at Yoga Life, donation-based class for the Yoga Life teacher training scholarship fund taught by teachers in training, 9 am

(Jaguars beat Steelers, 8 pm)

6 Sun:

Sati teaches the full primary series of Ashtanga at Yoga Life, 9 am

Community yoga at lululemon (that means FREE, people), 9:30 am

8 Tues:

Do-In Yoga, incorporating self-performed acupressure, is a new class at Yoga Ananda, 9:30 am

Sati in an off-schedule time slot...teaching half the primary series at Yoga Life, 5:30 pm

Indian Classical Hatha, is a new class at Yoga Ananda, 6 pm

10-Week T'ai Chi workshop begins at Cobalt Moon, 7 pm

9 Wed:

Personal practice class at Yoga Life, i.e. open studio with instructors on hand, 7-9 am

Community yoga at lululemon, 9 am

10 Thurs:

Six week Yoga Basics course starts at Yoga Den, 7:45 pm

and finishing with things like: eat more fiber and less sugar, meditate daily, read more books and watch less tv....